Influence of Aggregate Size and Shape on Concrete Strength


Concrete is a composite material composed of cement, water, and aggregates. Aggregates make up the largest portion of concrete by volume, typically 60-80%. The size and shape of the aggregates have a significant impact on the strength, workability, and durability of concrete.

Aggregate size is typically classified into two categories: fine aggregate (sand) and coarse aggregate (gravel and crushed stone). Fine aggregate has a maximum particle size of 4.75 mm (No. 4 sieve), while coarse aggregate has a maximum particle size that ranges from 9.5 mm to 25 mm (No. 10 sieve to No. 2 sieve).

The size of the aggregates affects the compressive strength of concrete in a number of ways. First, smaller aggregates have a larger surface area per unit volume than larger aggregates. This means that smaller aggregates require more cement paste to coat them. Second, smaller aggregates tend to produce a denser concrete matrix. This is because smaller aggregates can fill in the voids between the larger aggregates. Third, smaller aggregates can help to prevent segregation, which is the separation of the coarse and fine aggregates in the concrete mix.

However, there is a limit to the benefits of using smaller aggregates. If the aggregates are too small, they can create a weak concrete matrix. This is because the cement paste may not be able to fill all of the voids between the aggregates. Additionally, smaller aggregates can make the concrete more susceptible to bleeding, which is the separation of water from the concrete mix.

n general, it is recommended to use a mix of aggregate sizes to achieve the desired concrete strength and workability. A well-graded aggregate mix will have a variety of aggregate sizes, from small to large. This will help to create a dense and strong concrete matrix, while also minimizing the risk of segregation and bleeding.

The shape of the aggregates also affects the compressive strength of concrete. Angular aggregates (such as crushed stone) tend to produce stronger concrete than rounded aggregates (such as river gravel). This is because angular aggregates interlock better with each other and with the cement paste.

Angular aggregates also create a rougher surface, which helps to improve the bond between the aggregates and the cement paste. This can lead to increased concrete strength, especially in high-strength concrete applications.

However, angular aggregates can also make the concrete less workable. This is because they can cause the concrete to be more cohesive and less likely to flow. Additionally, angular aggregates can increase the risk of bleeding.

Rounded aggregates are more workable than angular aggregates, but they tend to produce weaker concrete. This is because rounded aggregates do not interlock as well with each other or with the cement paste. Additionally, the smooth surface of rounded aggregates does not provide as much bond strength as the rough surface of angular aggregates.

The optimum aggregate size and shape for concrete will depend on the desired concrete strength and workability. For high-strength concrete applications, it is recommended to use angular aggregates with a maximum particle size of 20 mm or less. For general-purpose concrete applications, a mix of angular and rounded aggregates with a maximum particle size of 25 mm is typically used.

It is important to note that the aggregate size and shape are just two of the many factors that affect the compressive strength of concrete. Other important factors include:

        Cement type and quality

        Water-to-cement ratio

        Air content


        Curing conditions


The influence of aggregate size and shape on concrete strength is a complex topic that has been extensively studied in the field of concrete technology. The characteristics of aggregates, including their size and shape, play a crucial role in determining the strength and performance of concrete. In this essay, we will explore the effects of aggregate size and shape on concrete strength, discussing the underlying mechanisms and providing relevant examples and research findings.

To understand the influence of aggregate size and shape on concrete strength, it is important to first grasp the fundamental principles of concrete behavior. Concrete is a composite material consisting of cement paste and aggregates. The cement pastes act as a binder, holding the aggregates together and providing strength. The properties of the aggregates, such as size and shape, affect the packing density, interfacial transition zone, and load transfer mechanisms within the concrete matrix.

Aggregate size refers to the particle size distribution of the aggregates used in concrete. It is typically characterized by the maximum aggregate size (MAS) and the grading curve. The MAS is the largest sieve size that allows 100% of the aggregate to pass through, while the grading curve represents the distribution of aggregate sizes within the mix.

One of the primary effects of aggregate size on concrete strength is related to the particle packing density. Smaller aggregates tend to have a larger surface area, enabling them to fill in the voids between particles more effectively. This results in a denser packing, reducing the amount of cement paste required for adequate particle lubrication and improving interlocking. As a result, concrete with smaller aggregates often exhibits higher compressive strength.

However, it's important to note that there is an optimal range for aggregate size that maximizes strength. If the aggregate size becomes too small, the available surface area for bonding with cement paste may decrease, resulting in lower strength. On the other hand, excessively large aggregates can create voids and reduce the overall density of the concrete, negatively impacting strength.

Aggregate shape is another critical factor influencing concrete strength. The shape of aggregates can be classified into three main categories: angular, rounded, and flaky. Angular aggregates have sharp edges and irregular shapes, while rounded aggregates are smooth and have rounded corners. Flaky aggregates are thin and flat, with a high aspect ratio.

The shape of aggregates influences the interlocking between particles and the packing density within the concrete matrix. Angular aggregates provide better interlocking due to their irregular shapes, resulting in enhanced load transfer and improved strength. Rounded aggregates, on the other hand, have a lower interlocking potential, which can lead to reduced strength. Flaky aggregates may hinder the proper distribution of forces within the concrete, affecting strength and increasing the risk of cracking.

Numerous research studies have investigated the effect of aggregate shape on concrete strength. One such study by A. Saleem and S. Ahmad examined the influence of aggregate shape on the compressive strength of concrete. The results showed that concrete made with angular aggregates exhibited higher strength compared to concrete with rounded aggregates. The researchers attributed this to the improved interlocking and load transfer capabilities of angular aggregates.

Additionally, the shape of aggregates affects the internal friction and workability of concrete. Angular aggregates can increase the internal friction, making the concrete mixture stiffer and potentially reducing workability. On the other hand, rounded aggregates tend to improve workability by reducing friction between particles, allowing for better flow and compaction.

Concrete is a substance that resembles stone that is used to build dams, buildings, pavements, and bridges. It is created by combining sand, gravel, or broken rocks with cement and water, then allowing the mixture to cure for a while. The strength of concrete is known to be influenced by a number of elements. Their batch ratios, mixing techniques, transport and curing procedures, aggregate shape and texture, and other constituent material characteristics are among them. The strength of concrete has also been proven to be somewhat influenced by the sizes of the particles.

It has also been demonstrated that a number of coarse aggregate types, including basalt, quartzite, gneisses, granites, limestone, marbles, and gabbro, have an impact on the compressive strength of concrete.

In Ghana, quartzites, gneisses, migmatites, granites, and granodiorites are among the rocks that are commercially crushed for use as coarse aggregates in the creation of concrete. In the country's central belt, granites and granodiorites are frequently used to make concrete (Adom-Asamoah et al. 2014). In the southern region of the nation, quartzites that are a component of the Togo Structural Unit (Togo series) have undergone variable degrees of metamorphosis, as indicated by the presence of some sandstone textures and structures, leading to different strength characteristics. Due to their poor quality, they are typically hand crushed and hence are less expensive. In the southern region of the nation, the Dahomeyan Supergroup and the Cape Coast Granitoid Complex contain gneisses and migmatites. Commercial aggregate producers often mechanically crush them into the necessary sizes. Despite being more expensive than crushed quartzites, they are favored for use in large concrete projects that will be put under a lot of stress because of their high quality.


Abdullahi (2012) studied the effects of quartzite, granite, and river gravel on the strength of concrete and found that the type of aggregate used affects the compressive strength of typical concrete. Concrete made from crushed quartzite would have the highest compressive strength at all ages, while concrete made with granite as coarse aggregate would have the lowest strength. Contrarily, Aginam et al. (2013) discovered that concrete built using granite as the coarse aggregate component had a higher compressive strength than concrete made with washed and unwashed gravels.

When Yaqub and Bukhari (2006) conducted tests to determine the extent of influence of 37.5mm, 25mm, 20mm, 10mm, and 5 mm aggregate sizes on the compressive strength of high strength concrete, they discovered that 10mm and 5mm aggregate concrete gave higher compressive strength than other types of aggregates.

In order to determine the aggregate size that will enhance the qualities of structural concrete, Oyewole et al. (2011) also looked into the impacts of aggregate sizes on those properties. They came to the conclusion that as coarse aggregate sizes are decreased, concrete's average compressive strength increases. Xie et al. (2012) verified the earlier findings that the compressive strength dropped as the maximum coarse aggregate size was increased in another experiment to examine the impact of coarse aggregate size on the compressive strength of concrete.

According to Kumar and Krishna (2012), 10mm size aggregates produced 30MPa concrete with the best 28-day compressive strength, while 12.5mm size aggregates produced 20MPa lightweight concrete with the best compressive strength.

Bhikshma and Florence (2013) found that aggregate sizes affect concrete strength and that the maximum size of coarse aggregate of 12.5 mm gave the highest compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and flexural strength in a study to evaluate the effect of aggregate size in higher grade concrete using high volume fly ash.

According to Su and Cheng's (2013) analysis of a series of compressive tests on normal strength concrete and high strength concrete with maximum aggregate sizes of 10 mm and 20 mm, larger maximum aggregate sizes would result in a lower compressive strength for normal strength concrete with compressive strengths lower than 60 MPa, but for high strength concrete with compressive strengths greater than 80 MPa, the effect of aggregate size was negligible. Furthermore, they claimed that the elastic modulus is not significantly affected by aggregate sizes of 10 mm and 20 mm.

The aggregate size in concrete plays a significant role in determining the properties and performance of the concrete. Here are some effects of aggregate size:

        Workability: The size and shape of aggregates affect the workability of concrete. Smaller aggregates generally improve workability because they have a larger surface area and can fill in the voids between particles, resulting in better particle packing. Larger aggregates may reduce workability and require more water or additional effort to achieve the desired consistency.

        Strength: The aggregate size has an impact on the strength of concrete. Generally, larger aggregates lead to higher compressive strength because they provide better interlocking and load transfer between particles. However, if the aggregate size is too large, it can lead to an insufficient amount of cement paste to fully coat the particles, resulting in reduced strength.

        Durability: The size of aggregates influences the durability of concrete. With smaller aggregates, the water-cement ratio required for adequate workability tends to decrease, resulting in denser concrete with lower permeability. This can enhance the resistance to moisture penetration, chemical attack, and freeze-thaw cycles. Conversely, larger aggregates may create more interconnected voids, allowing for easier ingress of harmful substances and potentially reducing durability.

        Shrinkage and Creep: Concrete undergoes shrinkage and creep over time due to various factors, including the size of aggregates. Larger aggregates tend to increase the drying shrinkage of concrete, leading to higher potential for cracking. Moreover, if the aggregate size is significantly different, it can result in differential shrinkage between the paste and aggregates, further contributing to cracking.

        Workability retention: The use of larger aggregates can help in retaining workability for longer durations, especially in hot weather conditions, as they provide more thermal mass. This can be beneficial in situations where extended transportation or placement times are required.

It's important to note that the effects of aggregate size can vary depending on the specific application, mix design, and other factors. Optimal aggregate size selection considers a balance between workability, strength, durability, and other requirements to achieve the desired performance of the concrete.

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