Determination of Bulk Density (Unit Weight) and Voids in Aggregate

 Experiment No: 09

Determination of Bulk Density (“Unit Weight”) and Voids in Aggregate


The theory surrounding Bulk Unit Weight and Voids in Aggregate is crucial in understanding the behavior of aggregate materials in construction, particularly in concrete and asphalt mixtures.

Bulk Unit Weight (also known as Bulk Density) is a measure of the weight of aggregate that fills a unit volume, including the solid particles and the voids between them. It is expressed in units of mass per unit volume (e.g., kg/m³). The Bulk Unit Weight depends on factors like:

  • Aggregate Size and Shape: Well-graded aggregates with a range of particle sizes generally have a higher bulk density because the smaller particles fill the voids between the larger particles.
  • Compaction: The degree of compaction affects bulk density. More compaction leads to a higher bulk density as particles are packed closer together, reducing the volume of voids.
  • Moisture Content: The presence of water in the pores of the aggregate increases the bulk density. However, if the aggregate is saturated, the bulk density will reflect both the water and the aggregate mass.

Voids in Aggregate refer to the empty spaces within the aggregate mass that are not occupied by solid particles. These voids are important in determining the workability, strength, and durability of concrete and asphalt. The volume of voids is typically expressed as a percentage of the total volume.

  • Voids Content Calculation: The volume of voids can be calculated by subtracting the volume of the solid aggregate particles from the total volume of the aggregate.
  • Effect on Concrete Mix: High voids content indicates more space for cement paste in concrete, which may affect the workability and strength of the mix. Reducing voids in aggregate can lead to a denser, stronger mix.
  • Aggregate Grading: Well-graded aggregates (with a mix of different sizes) tend to have fewer voids compared to poorly graded aggregates (with uniform size), as smaller particles fill the gaps between larger particles.

Relationship Between Bulk Unit Weight and Voids

The bulk unit weight and voids are inversely related. As the bulk unit weight increases, the void content decreases, indicating a denser and more compact aggregate structure. Understanding this relationship helps in optimizing the mix design for concrete or asphalt, ensuring the material achieves the desired strength, durability, and workability.

Practical Applications

  • Concrete Mix Design: The bulk unit weight and voids are considered when calculating the amount of cement, water, and aggregate required for a concrete mix.
  • Asphalt Pavements: In asphalt mixtures, controlling the voids content is essential to prevent excessive deformation under load, improving the pavement's longevity.


This test method covers the determination of bulk density (unit weight) of aggregate in a compacted or loose condition, and calculated voids between particles in fine, coarse, or mixed aggregates based on the same determination. This test method is applicable to aggregates not exceeding 125 mm [5 in.] in nominal maximum size.




To determine the bulk unit weight and voids in aggregate in either a compacted or loose condition.


ASTM Designation

ASTM C29—Bulk Density (Unit Weight) and Voids in Aggregate.





Bulk Density –

The mass of a unit volume of bulk aggregate material, in which the volume includes the volume of the individual particles and the volume of the voids between the particles. Expressed in kg/m3 [lb/ft3].


Unit Weight —

Weight (mass) per unit volume.


Voids —

In unit volume of aggregate, the space between particles in an aggregate mass not occupied by solid mineral matter.


Significance and Use

This test method is used to determine bulk density values for concrete mixture proportions and conversions in purchase agreements. Aggregates in these units usually contain absorbed and surface moisture, which affects bulking. The test method determines bulk density on a dry basis, and a procedure is included to compute the percentage of voids between aggregate particles based on the determined bulk density.



Balance accurate to 0.05% of the sample weight or 0.5 g, whichever is greater.


Tamping Rod

A round, straight steel rod, 16 mm in diameter and approximately 600 mm in length, having the tamping end, or both ends, rounded to a hemispherical tip, the diameter of which is 16 mm.


Shovel or Scoop

A shovel or scoop of convenient size for filling the measure with aggregate.


Plate Glass

A piece of plate glass, preferably at least 6 mm thick and at least 25 mm larger than the diameter of the measure to be calibrated.



A supply of water-pump, chassis, or similar grease.



A thermometer having a range of at least 10 to 32 °C and that is readable to at least 0.5 °C.



 A cylindrical metal measure with handles is required, preferably watertight, true and even, and rigid enough to maintain its form under rough usage. The height should be approximately equal to the diameter, with no height less than 80% or more than 15% of the diameter. The measure's capacity must conform to the limits in Table 1 for the aggregate size to be tested.

Table 1 Capacity of measures

Nominal Maximum Size of Aggregate

Capacity of Measure



M3 (L)








0.0093 [9.3]



1 ½

0.014 [14]




0.028 [28]




0.070 [70]

2 ½



0.100 [100]

3 ½


Figure: Cylindrical metal measure

Test Sample  

The size of the sample shall be approximately 125 to 200 % of the quantity required to fill the measure, and shall be handled in a manner to avoid segregation. Dry the aggregate sample to essentially constant mass, preferably in an oven at 110 ±5 °C.

Calibration of the Measure

1.     Apply a thin layer of grease on the rim of the measure to prevent water leakage.

2.     Fill the measure with room temperature water and cover it with plate glass to remove bubbles and excess water. Remove water that overflowed onto the measure and plate glass.

3.     Determine the mass of the water, plate glass, and measure to the nearest 0.05 kg.

4.     Measure the water temperature to the nearest 0.5°C.

5.     Determine its density from table below and interpolating if necessary.

6.     Calculate the volume (V) of the measure or factor (F) of the measure.


Table 2 Density of Water





























Selection of Procedure


The shoveling method described for loose bulk density should only be used when explicitly specified. The compact bulk density of aggregates with a nominal maximum size of 37.5 mm or less shall be determined using the rodding process. For aggregates with a nominal maximum size more than 37.5 mm but not exceeding 125 mm, the jigging procedure shall be used.




Rodding Procedure


·        Fill a measure one-third full and level the surface with fingers. Use 25 strokes of a tamping rod to evenly distribute the aggregate layer.

·        Fill the measure two-thirds full and level again.

·        Fill the measure to overflow and level the surface with fingers or a straightedge.

·        Ensure that slight projections of larger coarse aggregate pieces balance larger voids in the surface below the top of the measure.

·        To ensure proper rodding, avoid forcibly striking the bottom of the measure in the first layer, and use vigorous effort in the second and third layers, but not more than allowing the tamping rod to penetrate.

·        Determine the mass of the measure plus its contents, and the mass of the measure itself.


Jigging Procedure

·        Fill a measure with three equal layers and compact them by placing it on a firm base, raising the opposite sides alternately about 50 mm, and dropping it with a sharp blow. This will arrange the aggregate particles in a densely compacted condition.

·        Drop the measure 50 times, 25 times on each side, and level the aggregate surface with fingers or a straightedge to balance the larger voids below the top of the measure.

·        Determine the mass of the measure plus its contents, and the mass of the measure itself.

Shoveling Procedure

·        Fill the measure to overflowing with aggregate by means of a shovel
or scoop, from a height not exceeding 50mm above the top of the measure.

·        Avoid segregation of particle sizes and level the aggregate surface with fingers or a straightedge.

·        Projections of larger coarse aggregate pieces should balance larger voids below the top of the measure.

·        Determine the mass of the measure plus its contents, and the mass of the measure itself.



Bulk DensityCalculate the bulk density for the rodding, jigging, or shoveling procedure as follows:

M = (G T)/V


M = (G -T) x F


M = bulk density of the aggregate, kg/m3 [lb/ft3],

G = mass of the aggregate plus the measure, kg [lb],

T = mass of the measure, kg [lb],

V = volume of the measure, m3 [ft3]

F = factor for measure, m-3 [ft-3]

The bulk density determined by this test method is for aggregate in an oven-dry condition. If the bulk density in terms of saturated-surface-dry (SSD) condition is desired, use the exact procedure in this test method, and then calculate the SSD bulk density using the following formula:

Mssd = M [1+(A/100)]


Mssd = bulk density in SSD condition, kg/m3 [lb/ft3]

A = % absorption

Void ContentCalculate the void content in the aggregate using the bulk density determined by either the rodding, jigging, or shoveling procedure, as follows:

% Voids = 100[(S x W) - M] / (S x W)


M = bulk density of the aggregate, kg/m3 [lb/ft3]

S = bulk specific gravity (dry basis) (ASTM C127 or C128)

W = density of water, 998 kg/m3 [62.3 lb/ft3]


Volume of MeasureCalculate the volume of a measure as follows:

V = (W M)/D

F = D/(W M)


V = volume of the measure, m3 [ft3]

W = mass of the water, plate glass, and measure, kg [lb]

M = mass of the plate glass and measure, kg [lb]

D = density of the water for the measured temperature, kg/m3 [lb/ft3], and

F = factor for the measure, 1/m3 [1/ft3]


·        Bulk density

·        Voids in aggregate


LAB Assignment Questions:


Basic Understanding

1.      What is bulk density (unit weight) of aggregate?

2.      How do you define voids in aggregates?

3.      Why is it important to determine the bulk density and voids in aggregates?

Procedure and Equipment

4.      What are the standard methods used to determine bulk density?

5.      Can you explain the procedure for determining the bulk density of aggregates?

6.      What is the purpose of tamping the aggregate in the container during the bulk density test?

7.      What type of container is used in this test?

8.      Why is it necessary to level the surface of the aggregate after filling the container?

9.      How does the moisture content of the aggregate affect the bulk density?

Calculation and Interpretation

10.  How do you calculate bulk density from the test data?

11.  How do you calculate the percentage of voids in the aggregate?

12.  What factors can affect the bulk density of an aggregate?

13.  Why is the bulk density of an aggregate important in concrete mix design?

14.  How does the shape and size of aggregate particles affect the bulk density and voids?

Standards and Specifications

15.  Which standards (e.g., ASTM, IS) are followed for determining bulk density and voids in aggregates?

16.  What is the typical range of bulk density for coarse and fine aggregates?

17.  What are the acceptable limits of void content in aggregates for concrete?

Application and Practical Considerations

18.  How does the bulk density of aggregate influence the properties of fresh and hardened concrete?

19.  In what scenarios might you want to maximize or minimize the void content in an aggregate?

20.  What precautions should be taken while conducting the bulk density and voids test?



ASTM C29: Standard Test Method for Bulk Density (“Unit Weight”) and Voids in Aggregate.

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