1.      The main constituent which contributes for strength of cement is

(a) Silica
(b) Alumina
(c) Lime
(d) Iron Oxide
(e) Magnesium oxide

2.      When water is added to cement and mixed, it forms a paste which gradually becomes hard. The time taken for the entire process is called

(a) Setting time
(b) Elapsed time
(c) Calculated time
(d) Consolidated time
(e) Strength time 

3.      Cement which has less expansive qualities when mixed with water is termed

(a) Fitness
(b) Solidification
(c) Soundness
(d) Calcinated
(e) Hydrated

4.      Unsoundness of cement may be controlled by

(a) Limiting the MgO content to less than 0.5%
(b) Fine grinding
(c) Allowing the cement for aeration for several days and
(d) Through mixing
(e) All the above

5.      The reaction of silicates and aluminates of cement with water forms a binding medium which solidifies into a hardened mass which is termed as

(a) Hydration
(b) Water tightening
(c) Solidification
(d) Liberation
(e) Contraction

6.      An inactive part of cement is called the insoluble residue. The maximum allowable value is

(a) 0.50%
(b) 0.65%
(c) 0.70%
(d) 0.80%
(e) 0.85%

7.      Clinker from the kiln is cooled and then ground in a ball mill with the addition of __________ of gypsum.

(a) 1 to 2%
(b) 2 to 3%
(c) 3 to 4%
(d) > 3%
(e) > 5%

8.      Out of the constituents of cement like Tri-calcium silicate, Di-Calcium silicate, Tri-calcium aluminate, the first to set and harden is
(a) Tri-calcium silicate
(b) Di-calcium silicate
(c) Tri-calcium aluminate
(d) (a) and (b) above
(e) All set simultaneously

9.      Portland slag cement is made by inter grinding Portland Cement clinker and
(a) Dicalcium silicate
(b) Granulated blast furnace waste
(c) 4% of Gypsum
(d) Magnesium oxide
(e) Free lime

10.  Hydrophobic Portland cement is produced by inter-grinding Portland cement with 0.1 to 0.4%
(a) Dilute Hydrochloric acid
(b) Hydrogen per oxide
(c) Stearic acid
(d) Sulphur-di-oxide
(e) Calcium chloride

11.  In quick setting cement the compared added is
(a) Aluminium Sulphate
(b) Gypsum
(c) Aluminium silicate
(d) Calcium sulphate
(e) Magnesium sulphate

12.  Fineness of cement is represented by specific surface which is expressed as total surface area in
(a) Square cm
(b) Square cm/gm
(c) Cubic cm/gm
(d) Gm/square cm
(e) Gm/cm

13.  Le Chatelier’s apparatus is used to find the __________ of cement.
(a) Initial setting time
(b) Final setting time
(c) Soundness
(d) Strength
(e) Consistency

14.  Strength of cement is found from conducting test on.
(a) Cement mortar cube of 1:3 mix
(b) Cement mortar cylinder of 1:3 mix
(c) Cement mortar cube of 1:4 mix
(d) Cement concrete cube of 1:2:4
(e) Cement concrete of cylinder 1:1½:2

15.  Brazilian test is conducted to find the __________ strength
(a) Compress
(b) Bending
(c) Shear
(d) Tensile
(e) Bond

16.  Ratio of percentage of alumina to that of
iron oxide in Ordinary Portland Cement is
(a) > 0.70
(b) = 0.80
(e) Between 0.80 and 0.90

17.  Loss on ignition in cement should
(a) be equal to 0.30%
(c) < 2%
(d) Between 2 to 2.5%
(e) None of the above

18.  Coarse sand is one which is passing through a screen with clear openings of
(a) 3.18 mm
(b) 2.18 mm
(c) 1.38 mm
(d) 8.31 mm
(e) 1.81 mm

19.  The fineness modulus of sand should be between
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 3 and 4
(d) 4 and 5
(e) 5 and 7

20.  Water is taken as free from organic matter if the pH value lies between
(a) 8 and 10
(b) 9 and 10
(c) 6 and 8
(d) 4 and 6
(e) 3 and 5

21.  Presence of salts in water should __________.
(a) be 8000 ppm
(b) not be greater than 15000 ppm
(c) not be greater than 25000 ppm
(d) not be greater than 10000 ppm
(e) be between 34000 to 26000 ppm

22.  Cement performs the following functions when used in cement mortar. Choose the correct one
(a) Primarily fills the voids formed by fine aggregates
(b) Binds the fine aggregates into a solid mass with time when added with water to the mix
(c) Impacts strengths after setting
(d) Only (b) and (c)
(e) (a), (b) and (c)

23.  Surkhi is another form of fine aggregate which is usually prepared by powdering
(a) Limestones
(b) Unburnt slag
(c) Unburnt bricks
(d) Furnace waste
(e) Sandstone

24.  For external walls without protection the grade of cement mortar to be used is
(a) MM 2
(b) > MM 3
(c) MM7.5
(d) MM 5 to MM 7
(e) < MM 2

25.  Fire-resistant mortar is obtained by adding aluminuous cement to the finely ground powder of
(a) Half-burnt bricks
(b) Slag
(c) Fly-ash
(d) Fire-bricks
(e) Table-moulded bricks

26.  Packing mortar is a special type of mortar possessing the property of
(a) High homogeneity and water resistance
(b) Pre-determined setting time
(c) Ability to form solid and water proof plugs
(d) (b) and (c) only
(e) (a), (b) and (c)

27.  For sound-absorbing mortar the type of crushed aggregate used is
(a) Uniformly graded gravel
(b) Light-weight porous material
(c) Well-graded strong aggregate
(d) Poorly-graded sandstone
(e) River-pebbles

28.  X-ray shielding mortar is obtained from cement, admixtures and
(a) Light-weight porous pumice
(b) Uniformly graded sand
(c) Coarse sand
(d) Crushed heavy rocks
(e) Crushed cinders

29.  The cement mortar used for pointing works is
(a) 1.5 to 1.6
(b) 1.3 to 1.4
(c) 1:6
(d) 1:3
(e) 1:1 to 1:2

30.  Strength of cement concrete depends on
(a) Quality of water
(b) Quality of aggregate
(c) Quantity of aggregate
(d) Quality of cement
(e) Water-cement ratio

31.  Super plasticizers permit reduction of water up to __________ without reduction in workability.
(a) 10%
(b) 20%
(c) 30%
(d) 40%
(e) 50%

32.  The commonly used retarder is
(a) Calcium sulphate
(b) Potassium sulphate
(c) Barium sulphate
(d) Sulpur chloride
(e) Calcium chloride

33.  Accelerators are used in situations as given below. Choose the correct one
(a) Early removal of formwork
(b) Reducing the period of curing
(c) Accelerating the setting time in cold weather
(d) Energy repair work
(e) All the above

34.  Different air entraining agents behave differently depending on the elasticity of the film of the bubble formed and the extent to which the __________ is reduced.
(a) Compressive force
(b) Surface Tension
(c) Shear force
(d) Torsion
(e) Bond stress

35.  Surface loss of water from concrete depends upon
(a) Air temperature
(b) Relative Humidity
(c) Wind velocity
(d) Fresh concrete temperature
(e) All the above

36.  Curing of concrete is done by
(a) Spraying method
(b) Bonding method
(c) Covering with moist cloth
(d) Covering with moist sand
(e) Any of the above methods

37.  The minimum water cement ratio required for a workable concrete is
(a) 0.4
(b) 0.5
(c) 0.6
(d) 0.7
(e) 0.8

38.  Cement concrete grading is based on the characteristic compressive strength of 150 mm cube at __________ days.
(a) 7
(b) 15
(c) 21
(d) 28
(e) 30

39.  M 45 Grade Designation is given to __________ concrete.
(a) Ordinary
(b) Low strength
(c) Standard
(d) Medium Strength
(e) High Strength

40.  Separation of water on fresh concrete is called
(a) Segregation
(b) Honeycombing
(c) Hydration
(d) Bleeding
(e) Dilution

41.  Bulking of sand, occurs due to
(a) Viscosity
(b) Capillary action
(c) Surface tension
(d) Moisture in voids
(e) Air in voids

42.  Under-compaction makes the concrete
(a) Impermeable
(b) Segregated
(c) Lean
(d) Thin
(e) Tough

43.  Exterior application of rendering made on concrete structure is denoted as
(a) Smooth finish
(b) Applied finish
(c) Rough finish
(d) Clean finish
(e) None of the above

44.  Slump test is the most commonly used method of measuring __________ of concrete
(a) Consistency
(b) Compactness
(c) Toughness
(d) Rigidity
(e) Hardness

45.  Normally strength of cylindrical specimens tested under compression is taken as __________ times the compressive strength of cubical specimens.
(a) 0.95
(b) 0.90
(c) 0.85
(d) 0.80
(e) 0.75

46.  Schmidt’s Rebound Hammer is a commonly adopted non-destructive equipment for measuring the
(a) Surface cracks
(b) Cracks at the bottom of the member
(c) Adequacy of reinforcement
(d) Surface hardness
(e) Mix proportion

47.  Gamma-rays transmission method is particularly used to measure the __________ of concrete slabs of known density.
(a) Formation of cracks
(b) Thickness
(c) Compactness
(d) Rigidity
(e) Flexibility

48.  In order to get the best quality lime it is recommended to have __________ of clay.
(a) 8 to 30%
(b) 5 to 15%
(c) 25 to 40%
(d) 40 to 60%
(e) 35 to 80%

49.  The process of adding water to lime to convert it to hydrated lime is known as
(a) Calcination
(b) Watering
(c) Quenching
(d) Slaking
(e) Hydration

50.   In acid test, abundant efflorescence indicates high percentage of
(a) Sodium carbonate
(b) Calcium carbonate
(c) Potassium carbonate
(d) Sodium sulphate
(e) Calcium sulphate





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