Civil Engineering MCQ Part 2


1.      Soil and rock consist essentially of the same matter.
a. True b. False

2.       In the commonly used soil classification system, sand and silt are
classified as
a. coarse-grained soils. b. fine-grained soils.
c. organic soils. d. inorganic soils.
e. none of the above.

3.      The four commonly used classifications of soils arranged in order of
decreasing particle size are
a. gravel, sand, silt, and clay.
b. gravel, silt, sand, and clay.
c. gravel, silt, clay, and sand.
d. gravel, sand, clay, and silt.
e. none of the above.

4.      Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Gravel particles have a platelike shape.
b. Sand particles have a platelike shape.
c. Silt particles have a platelike shape.
d. Clay particles have a platelike shape.

5.      Cohesive soils are those in which the dry soil particles tend to
separate from each other when mixed with a small amount
of water.
a. True b. False

6.      To obtain soil-sampling tubes from below ground, which soil-testing
method is commonly used?
a. Test pit method
b. Test boring method
Test pressure method
d. Any one of the above
e. None of the above

7.      During soil testing, soil samples are obtained from
a. one central location on the site but from different depths below
b. several locations on the site but from the same depth below
c. several locations on the site and from several depths below

d. none of the above.

8.      All testing of soil samples is generally done at the site
a. because modern soil sampling equipment is fully equipped with
soil testing facility.
b. because the delay in bringing soil samples to the laboratory
falsifies test results.
c. because the vibration of soil samples caused by transportation
falsifies test results.
d. all of the above.
e. none of the above.

9.      In terms of soil behavior in earthquakes, building codes classify a
construction site based on soil conditions. The primary property of
soil that is used in this classification is
a. the stiffness/density of soil.
the size of soil particles.
c. the swelling and shrinkage characteristics of soil.
d. whether the soil is native to the site.
e. none of the above.

10.  The bearing capacity of a soil refers to
a. the density of soil.
b. the modulus of elasticity of soil.
c. the compressive strength of soil.
d. whether the soil is native to the site.
e. none of the above.

11.  The bearing capacity of a soil is generally expressed in terms of
a. pounds or kips per square foot.
b. pounds or kips per square inch.
c. pounds or kips per cubic inch.
d. pounds or kips per inch.
e. pounds or kips.

12.   If the bearing capacity of the soil is high, the footing area required is
a. True b. False

13.  The maximum presumptive bearing capacity value of bedrock
provided by the International Building Code is
a. 18.0 ksf. b. 16.5 ksf.
c. 15.0 ksf. d. 12.0 ksf.
e. None of the above.

14.  The building codes do not mandate geotechnical investigations for
all building construction sites.
a. True b. False

15.  Grading at a site refers to
a. evaluating the existing subsurface conditions of a site.
b. evaluating the groundwater conditions at a site.
c. compacting the soil to required density.
d. all of the above.
e. none of the above.

16.   Engineered fill refers to the soil that is
a. specially formulated to provide the required properties.
b. placed per the geotechnical engineer’s specifications.
c. compacted per the geotechnical engineer’s specifications and
d. all of the above.
e. none of the above.

17.  A benched excavation is generally used
a. on open suburban sites.
b. on tight downtown sites.
c. where the excavation depth is less than 5 ft.
d. where dewatering of the site is not required.

18.  Sheet piles are used
a. as shallow foundations in buildings.
b. as deep foundations in buildings.
c. as formwork for concrete walls.
d. as excavation supports.
e. none of the above.

19.  Which of the following is not used for excavation supports?
a. Sheet piles
b. Soldier piles
c. Soil nailing
d. Precast concrete piles
Contiguous bored concrete piles

20.  In the excavation support system using soldier piles, the soldier piles
consist of
a. sheet steel. b. sheet aluminum.
c. structural steel sections. d. reinforced concrete.
e. precast concrete.

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